
First Programme Launched

In September 2021 the first Cyber Futures Programme was launched in England. The Programme is funded by DCMS (Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport) and coordinated by the South West Cyber Security Cluster.

The Programme supports a cohort of students aged 16-18, all studying a BTEC Extended Diploma at Level 3.

The pilot being delivered in the academic year 2021-2022 support students in their first year of studies.

The Programme is delivered by businesses based in the South West of England, with support from the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC).

Students will be supported in identifying specific areas of interest within the field of cyber security.

With career progression options ranging from full time degrees to apprenticeships and degree apprenticeships, students will also spend time at the new Institute of Technology (IOT) in Exeter.

The Cyber Futures Programme serves as a way for businesses and ecosystems to develop.

Building skills pipelines

The Cyber Futures Programme is delivered on behalf of individual organisations or ecosystems of organisations that seek to collaborate.

Given the extent of workshop commitments, the programme works best when multiple partners (3 are recommended) collectively dedicate resource to deliver workshops.

The TechEd team take care of scheduling, stakeholder management, and feedback, to provide your employees with CPD and the opportunity to make a tangible impact on the skills development of the next generation of cyber security professionals.

Get in touch to find out how to get started!